Thursday, November 17, 2011

What's your score?

A few weeks back I got an invite from someone to find out what my "Klout" score was. My first thought was "What the heck is a klout?" It didn't sound good. Was it an illness? Klout sounds like Gout and my grandpa almost lost his foot to that so klout, no thanks. Was it to score my sanity? Goodness knows that would be a bad idea. (sorry for the foolish rabbit trail)

Back to klout. Klout turns out to be an answer to my prayers. I am forever being harassed, teased and picked on by my family and friends because I spend so much "wasted time" on things like twitter, linkedin and (not so much anymore) facebook. I have pleaded my case trying to explain the importance of credibility and reputation on these sites and the benefits but sadly it gets me no where.

Now I have some backing. I have linked all of my social media accounts to klout and it has given me a score. This score measures how effective I am with social media and how much of an influence I am with my network of people. The score can be easy to increase at first (like from a 20 - 25 score) but it is a lot harder to move up (say from a 70-75 score) The Klout website says that the score is based on a 1-100 point system and that the average score is about 20.

So that my friends is Kout in a nutshell. I encourage you to use this tool to increase your credibility even if only to get you loved ones off your back for wasting time online.

Stay warm out there!

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