Thursday, May 13, 2010

Non Profit: Do you Donate?

Since picking up blogging again, I have kept a notebook in my purse anytime a topic comes up that would be interesting to blog about. I work for a very large non profit and currently they are running their "family campaign".

I've been in the non profit sector for 5 years now and have observed the great differences in running and managing charitable organizations. Everyone feels (of course) that they are doing amazing work and are always after the almighty dollar to keep things running.

I have sat around boardroom tables and discussion have been had about the expectation of board members financially contributing to the organizations they volunteer with. Of course there was some push back. This got me thinking. We do the work we do because we want to make a difference (why else would you work for lower than average wages?) but at the end of the day do we really believe enough to personally sacrifice a few dollars each month to support the "great work" we are doing?

If I do not believe enough in the work I do to contribute some dollars each month then perhaps I should not be there. If we expect donors to open their pocketbooks and support us then maybe we need to also be accountable and follow suit as well. I'm not talking tons of money here, if you donate $20.00 a paycheck, at the end of the year that's $ 480.00. If all your staff do that, in my mind going to funders with that bit of information is more powerful then the number of volunteer hours.
I'm sure there are those reading that would maybe disagree, or maybe not.
I'd love your feedback on this one.

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