Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Crossing Over

It's happened... I think I am finally an adult. Shocking really.I've been married for over 10 years, have 2 kids and a house and NOW IT FINALLY HAPPENS. In the last few months or so I have started to notice certain thought patterns changing and my taste buds too. Things I have despised for over 30 years I suddenly like.

In my 20's I married and had kids. I sat around boardroom tables with people old enough to be my parents and felt the need to fight to be on those boards. I faced being judged based on my age and appearance and felt like a little kid all the time. I'm still the youngest at most meetings and events but now I feel like I have earned the right to be there.

Now I wonder are my thought patterns changing because of my age? Or perhaps that my pre teen daughter has driven me to the point of near insanity since starting middle school? The drama has been unreal and I do sympathize with my daughter that what she faces everyday at school is a lot harder than what I faced in school. But seriously, I have grey hair coming in by the dozens and have found wrinkles ....can you believe it WRINKLES!!!

This past weekend I attended a scrap booking retreat south of Delburne with a bunch of ladies I was introduced to by my ant....(and yes that is the correct spelling for my fathers' sister). So in the group you have "The Young and the Restless" and "The Blood Sisters" . Both groups are made up of mostly 45+ year old women (some closer to 60 ) . About 10 % of us still get periods. You get the picture. They are a wonderful group of ladies. It's very interesting to sit and listen to them chat about their lives and the lives of their families. Not in a gossipy type of way but more of a sharing, learning and confiding kind of way.

There really is so much to learn from an older generation. That is not one of my new "adult" thoughts. I firmly believe that if you want to appreciate what have now, you need to hear about the past and the kinds of challenges and hardships our grandparents and great aunts and uncles had to endure.

Back to my new found "adulthood". So to give you some examples of my crossing over.... For the last several years I have always drank coffee and Bailey's on Saturday mornings. A great ritual I think.. sadly, I could really care less about the Bailey's anymore. Oh, and my favourite coffee of all time (Hylander Grogg).... ya, not so much. It's OK for a treat but I have 3 bags of it in my closet and haven't touched it since the hubby has been working. I now more prefer my Pike Place Roast from Starbucks.
Another example? Well, I now LOVE sauerkraut. Never used to, but whenever I have a smokey (which isn't very often) it is now mandatory along with lots of mustard.

And those "adult" thoughts well....I've learned that if getting older means growing up... then perhaps I'm not interested. Although I will always force healthy food on my kids and refuse to buy them video games, I still think that my tattoos are pretty cool and nothing is better than hanging out with a bunch of teenagers. They keep me young. Oh, and even though my mother said that someday I would grow up and have better taste in music, I still love all the music that our local "Kraze" station has to offer. Sorry mom.

Until next time..... the newest adult on the block.

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