Saturday, October 16, 2010

She Has a Name

I have just got home from a reading of local author and play write Andrew Kooman's play "She Has a Name". (

As I sat through the first act of the play that was read by 4 individuals, trying to choke back the tears that came with the realization that human life is not sacred and that our "civilized society" has a dirty secret as big or bigger than the drug trade. It's called Human Trafficking.

*There are 27 million slaves worldwide. Experts estimate nearly 1 million people are trafficked in the sex trade every year. Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal trade second only to the illegal sale of drugs with an estimated annual profit of 31 billion US dollars.

I sit in my seat thinking about my own kids who are around 10 years old, I am hearing these actors speak of children who's parents sell them to make a few bucks. They go from vibrant, smart kids who love school and have great dreams to living in brothels having sex with dozens of men every day. Many have not even hit puberty yet. As a mother, this rips my heart out. I understand why people don't like to talk about these things. So gruesome and horrid...(it makes me sick to my stomach).

We live in our cities in Canada, enjoying a great life and yet right under our noses (even in Red Deer) there are girls who are working... night after night.. day after day.... with no rights, no identity .... Don't kid yourself and think it's not happening. It is. There are 2 if not more brothels in Red Deer... the ladies that work there didn't apply for a job.

I get up to leave the reading and there's a lump in my throat.. I can't speak for fear of crying.. The mood after is sobering... A friend of mine has painted a picture for this play. It has a young girls face and beside it.. a bar code ... she is nothing more than "number 18". No name, no family to identify with.... just a piece of property.

I am grateful to know that there are local agencies that are dedicated to raising awareness and helping victims of trafficking. The Alberta Coalition on Human Trafficking ( operates a safe house for victims of human trafficking and Raise Their Voice ( is raising awareness in central Alberta. I challenge you to check out their websites and just ponder for a few minutes what is really going on in our world. I sit in my chair in front of my computer and wonder what to do with this information I now have. I'm so glad I went tonight but also wish I hadn't..... I just want to hug my kids a little tighter and thank God for them.

More needs to be done. I found out this evening at the reading that The Body Shop is collecting signatures to petition the Canadian Government in implementing strict anti trafficking policies and legislation and dedicate more resources to victims of human trafficking. You can sign their petition at . So far they have 500,000 signatures and have a goal of 1 million before they present the petition to the government of Canada.

She Has a Name is looking for some financial assistance to bring this urgent and important message to the stage. If you are able to contribute in any way visit

The World Premiere and Tour of "She Has a Name" starts the end of February in Calgary and early March in Red Deer.

This is one play you won't want to miss. Although a hard pill to swallow, you will truly be touched and amazed at the talent and message that has gone into this script.

Thank You Andrew for giving a voice to those with no name.

(* Taken from She Has a Name promo material)


  1. WONDERFUL blog post! I can not wait to see it in RD!

  2. Thanks for the link to the Body Shop campaign, I signed it!

  3. Thanks for spreading the word, Beth, and for attending the evening. It's people like you who will bring light into this darkness.
